Tuesday 8 June 2010

Day 2 - East Hoathly to Boulogne

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain - I hate rain - but by the time I started at approx 9.40 it had stopped.

Stuart persuaded me to take his chain link remover, rear cassette remover & elephant tape and also to buy some spare spokes asap (more weight!). Frances persuaded me to take the rest of her fruit cake - now that is weight I can justify!

The first part of the ride to Heathfield and Battle was quite hilly with some sharp but shortish climbs of 14 per cent. But after Battle the riding got easier and then dropped down to sea level at Rye. After Rye I biked through the Walland and Romney Marsh. Here the roads were pan flat the clouds had cleared and it was lovely blue skies and on the top of that I had a tail wind - PERFECT - my average speed crept up to25kph. This continued to Hythe where I decided to follow the Sustrans National Cycle Route No 2 to Folkstone and Dover. The route initially followed the sea wall to Folkstone which with blue skies was fabulous. I got a bit lost in Folkstone but stumbled across a trendy bike shop complete with a cafe (selling gluton free cakes) called The Hub. But it was so trendy it was shut on Tuesdays! There was a big climb out of town and the route changed to an off road track over the white cliffs of Dover. Very pretty but not really for road bikes, however I arrived in Dover at 3.45pm without any punctures. Plenty of time for my ferry.

I was the first on and off the ferry - Now that is the service I like. The ferry docked on time at 8pm and I am now in Boulogne having a beer and typing this. Or at least I was until they kicked me out of the bar, I'm now sat on a shop window sil typing this. Still at 6.80euros a beer I dont want to stay there too long.

Overall a very good day especially lucky with the weather.

Today's Stats
Distance 124.88k
Climb 937m
Riding Time 5.20.47
Average Speed 23.3kph
Total Time 9.53 including ferry.


  1. Hi ya,as you are so obsessed with weighing everything, why dont you weigh the beer you drink as I'm sure that adds up to more than the spokes!!!
    Sleep well Paula xx

  2. You didn't mention the cake again, is it all eaten or will you have some left for me when we get to the top of that italian pass? David

  3. Nice one Bren! Me and my team in work following u every metre of your journey!! Derek.
