Saturday 19 June 2010

Day 13 - Rest Day Karlsruhe

I woke up looking forward to a relaxing day of doing nothing. Just watching TV, more sleeping & rcovering from 2 days of cycling with more than 14 hours in the saddle.

"OK, we're going on the Vogeltour now" says Bill
"The Vogeltour, cycle to the 3 Vogel pubs pay for beers in the first 2 and get a free beer in the third. Only 27k of riding & not too many hills"
And all this after going to bed at 2am after the most dire of England games.
So off we all went, children and friends in tow. The beer and ride were great. All very relaxing and returning to more wine, cheese, Calvodos and finally blogging at 3.30am!!!!!!

Oh no. I feel another hangover coming on.......


  1. Sounds great - have a beer on me.
    I too had a hangover drunk to much on Frid after such a poor performane, Christan and Keith sends regards - keep asking how you are getting on.
    Pics from y'day are v good - try and take a few more.

  2. Don't recall too many objections to the "Tour de Vogel" Brendan. I do remember you gallantly offering to buy the third round though :-)
