Sunday 6 June 2010

Bike & kit & blogging practice

As it is my intention to write a blog at least once a day i bought myself a new WIFI phone - a samsung genio slide. so here is my first attempt to blog with it.

The bike i am using is a Thorn Audax bike with Reynolds 853 tubing and ultegra chainset and brakes and mavic open pro wheels. It weighs (with rack and pump) 26lbs. I will use 2 ortleib rear panniers and intend to keep the weight of paniers and clothes down to 14lbs. The weigh in will be tonight.

I will take with me: -

2 cycling short sleeved tops
2 cycling shorts
1 helmet
3 pairs of cycling socks
3 coolmax/base layer t-shirt
1 cotton t-shirt
1 lightweight raincoat
1 leg warmers
1 arm warmers
1 cycling shoes (specialized taho spd shoes)
1 other shoes
1 trousers
1 fleece top
1 shorts
sun glasses
wash/medical bag
maps (maps for 2nd part of trip will be sent to Karlsruhe)

Bike kit to include: -
inner tube
puncture repair kit & tyre levers
allen keys
spoke key
front light
back light
chain oil
small lock

Blimey - sounds a lot I'd better start weighing it.


  1. Good luck with it all - look forward to a daily report

  2. Hi Brendan

    Have you forgotten spare spokes. A must! Better to get here, rather than trying to find in Europe.


  3. All the best Brendan, hope you enjoy every pedal. At least you won't be towing the trailer. The Alps probably do present more of a challenge than the lovely hills of Wales!
    Good luck,
    The Goachers

  4. Hi Brendan Message from Terry Fidler via email PS. Lucky for you I just checked your blog and discovered a fatal omission in your list of kit. “You’ve got no underpants!!”
    I'm sure I washed some for you!!!! Take care and hope you don't get too wet tomorrow!!LOL Paula xx
